DOT Fines updated by the FMCSA
FMCSA Changes Fine Amounts, No More Rounding
The FMCSA amended the Federal Civil Penalties Adjustment Act Improvements Act of 2015, by removing a rounded penalty clause and changing some fine amounts. The new fines will increase with inflation, starting August 1st. Some of the fines will initially increase, and some fines will start off lower than they were last year. They can start lower due to a reset in the inflation calculator. Fines before this Act had been rounded to the nearest 1000. While the majority of fines have increased, they are just marginally. If you need help with DOT Compliance, contact us today. Call us before the DOT calls you! The list for the new penalty values, is found below. Or visit https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/regulations/enforcement/uniform-fine-assessment